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Through love serve one another

                      Galatians 5:13

Lending a Helping Hand
     The Homebound Ministry provides an extension of the parish community to those unable to gather for the celebration of the Eucharist.  Homebound includes those who cannot easily get out of their homes due to illness, injury, or age.

     This ministry, through volunteer efforts, reaches out to parishioners in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and private homes.  Through monthly phone calls and sending cards or letters we are able to provide both spiritual support and a social connection between parishioners.  It reassures the homebound that they are valued members of our parish communities.

     If you know of someone who would benefit from our ministry or if you would like to be a volunteer please contact the parish office or fill out one of the forms below.

If you or someone you know would like to be a RECIPIENT of this ministry please fill out the form below.

If you would like to VOLUNTEER to help out with this ministry please fill out the form below.

For more information about the Homebound Ministry, please contact
the parish office.
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